History dilemma…

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  • hsmomof3

    I have been looking at switching over to SCM for next year with my kids but the history period we would need to move into next is Module 5 and it isn’t due out til 2011.  We have been using MFW and are using the level this year that is covered in Module 4.

    I don’t want to totally dismiss SCM because of this but I also don’t want to repeat something we have already done and bore my 11yo ds.  

    I guess I could start back over in the cycle and go deeper with my oldest than we did before??


    My kids are 6th grade, 2nd grade and K this year…..

    What are your suggestions?









    Well, starting over would be one option that would time out well for your oldest and a new revised guide of module one is scheduled to be released very soon. Laughing

    I think it is important to know however, that you don’t *NEED* the guides to do a history module.  You could just read the books in order, as listed, at a pace that takes you one school year.  It would take a little planning, but not too much.  Sonya’s book, Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education, would help you do that.



    Agreeing with Heather here, you don’t *need* one.  If it makes you feel more comfortable, there are quite a few choices where you can use the wonderful books Sonya recommends.  TruthQuest and Beautiful Feet come to mind.  Hope this helps!


    I agree with the above posters.  We just started SCM and are doing Module 4, to correspond with history we’ve already done.  Since we just switched last month, we are only reading/narrating the books.  Next year, we will use SCM with the Truthquest guides (along with the CM planning book mentioned above).  Hope that helps some:)  Gina

    I did Module 6 this year by just reading the books, notebooking on them, and  we threw in the BF guide to Geography. For Module 5, the EArly American by BF would not include the same books as SCM.  

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