I’m lookin for a history curriculum. We have tried the module 1 and purchased Ancinet History from here, but it wasn’t working for us. Mostly it was the Ancient Oxford book we had trouble with. We have switched to Hillery’s Childs History, and that is better but my son needs more hands on activities. We had purchased a History Pocket book, but it doesn’t have activities for anything outside of Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
Does anyone know of a history program that is well writen so we can narrate from, but also has activities. My son just retains the information better when there is a hands on activity. History is the only area so we are really struggling with. TIA.
Have you looked at Truthquest? You can pick your own living books, and they have notebooking/lapbooking activites that you can buy. I haven’t used those, but have heard good things. HTH some:) Gina
We use Truthquest and it is wonderful! It is a guide with pages and pages of recommended living books for each section of history. I recommend looking at the sample pages. They also sell accompanying activities such as a “Binder Builder” kit for each time period that is basically like a giant 3 ring binder lapbook which my kids love. They also have a timeline/map kit for each period but we haven’t used it.
Thanks! I had breifly looked at Truthquest and others but at the time I was looking I was thinking of doing history differently. Now that we’ve been in the trenches for a while, I can see what I had planned is not working. Now I need to look at the other curriculums again. I just didn’t know which ones to look at. Thanks again.
I thought of Heart of Dakota when I read your post. I have never used it, but the Creation to Christ looks like it has some nice hands-on activities related to the readings along with narration prompts. The sample shows that notebooking is a priority. This seems best used with one child or children of similar age and skill level. By the way, I prefer to peruse Heart of Dakota through their well organized and visual catalog and have a harder time understanding their website.
Another option may be My Father’s World Creation to the Greeks because it is appropriate for children grouped on a wider age and skill level spectrum. My sister is having great results using My Father’s World Creation to the the Greeks. She said she loves how it is Bible centered as it studies Genesis and Biblical feasts. There is notebooking and activities scheduled as well as God and the History Art activities.
Again, I haven’t use either of the above curriculum, but I thought I’d share some options.
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