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  • Pam140


    We just started SCM this week and so far the kids (ages 13 and 10) really like the short lessons and variety.  I am struggling with history though.  I see that a part of the background reading is Oxford First Ancient History.  It isn’t technically out of print but on Amazon it is over $100.  Any recommendations on an alternative?

    Also, I was wondering if there were suggestions for books found on Gutenberg.  Both of my kids have Nook e-readers so I like to download free books when possible.  We can get The Cat of Bubastes for free.  Are there other recommendations for history reading?  I feel I have put so much into curriculum already that I don’t feel comfortable spending too much more if I can find other quality resources.

    Thank you for the help!



    I like many of the books on Heritage History.  They are a couple of dollars for ebooks, or read for free on the site.  My kids are younger so can’t suggest too much specifically…


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