Aimee, we are using Early Modern this year. Â I have 5 DC, and have all the books on hand! Â I think all the 1-3 books would be fine for use through grade 6. Â My 4th grader is reading books from both age groups. Â Many of the 1-3 books are easier chapter books, so they have been perfect for giving her reading practice. Â The Stanley biographies are in both age groups, so you’d be using them either way. Â The Galileo biography for 4-6 is also an easier read, so you could use it in place of the Starry Messanger book, if you wanted a bit more challenge there. Â I hope this helps!
I would just read aloud a mix from k-3 and 4-6. pick the ones you can find or like best. If your k isn’t really interested you could do all 4-6. The age range is flexible anyway;)
There are lots of ways to do it. I have 9 children with a slightly different spread (15, 12, 11, 9, 8, 6, 5, 3, 1).
In your family I would consider using the books for 7-9 OR the books for 10-12 for your older 3 kids. Or drop the 3rd down with the next group if they would prefer a slightly easier reading level (you know your kids best!). For the rest of the kids I would probably use just the 4-6 books. Then I would pull picture books (nonfiction or fiction)Â from the shelves at the library each month that fit the time period, and if there weren’t any that month I wouldn’t worry about it for the younger ones, they can listen to the 4-6 books.
Thanks Holly and Roslyn. That gives me ideas. I like to mostly buy used  so I’ll just start collecting and see what I can find. I think I may have a few already!