Historical Fiction Module 1

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Historical Fiction Module 1

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  • Helene

    Hi, i  need some of your advice. I have a 12 year old that’s a very good reader. I need to add extra books for her to read with Module 1. Can you please give me the names of your favourites for a 12 year old to go with Ancient Egypt. She reads Golden Goblet and Mara, Daughter of the Nile easily.

    Thank you



    My daughter loved Cat of Bubastes by G.A. Henty.  


    Tirzah by Lucille Travis ?  It might be on the easier side for her.  I have it here for a RA for this year but haven’t done it yet so I can’t comment much on it.


    I picked up Tirzah from Amazon recently.  I’ve only read the first chapter so far but it’s about a younger girl and her family during the exudus.  I am hoping to read it aloud to my boys this coming year with Mod 1.  I’ve also picked up something called “Diary of the Boy King Tutankahmen” from the library that I’m considering adding.  It’s written as a diary from King Tuts perspective beginning as a very young boy (8 maybe) and offers a lot of detail about every day life in ancient Egypt. I’ve only read the first 1/2 dozen entries or so I’m not able to give a full review.  I’m sorry that I don’t have the author’s name available right now. 

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