Shelly, how do I find your address at that blogspot?
Angela, I’ll try to find yours.
When do you ladies need the book? The next 3-4 weeks is going to be very busy for us but I’ll do my best if you need the books before then. Thanks, Angela for thinking of sending it back to me – whatever works will be fine.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could have our own SCM book swap system?
I have to ask my sister to put my address on there. I haven’t even asked her if she would do it yet …but I’m the big sister..I can “make” her do it.(LOL)
Ok I have talked to my sister and she will add a post with my name and address. She said she will leave it up for a day 4/30.
But I am in no hurry for the book. I won’t be using it until Sept. I surely don’t want you to bother with it if you are going to be busy.
Shelly, I got your address! I’ll get Tirzah out to you next time I visit the Post Office. I see you live in KY, we’re taking a field trip there next month to visit Answers In Genesis’ Creation Museum. Maybe we could have that cup of tea after all ;). Please thank your sister for me and btw, she has a beautiful family. What a blessing to have a sister; I always wanted one.
Okay, Angela, forgive me for my ignorance but I tried to go on homeschoolspot and I have no idea how to navigate there. SCM is the only forum I’m a member of, so I’m not sure what to do next. Could you direct me? Just looking for a way without signing up as a member anywhere, any other ideas? So sorry for my own confusion 😕 .
Heather, I didn’t think about you having to become a member. I’m so sorry. I’m going to go out on a limb and do this; my user name 2003 at yahoo dot com
Got it? If not that’s ok. This has been a lot of trouble for you. But the offer was absolutely generous and I thank you..