Highschool Sonlight?

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  • ChristyH

    Probaby not but has anyone taken a Sonlight hoghschool core and put it into a SCM planning tool to tweak it at all? Changing curriculums isn’t an option for us but I can tweak it and I really want slim down Core 200.  My dd isn’t overly academic so I thought spacing it out more and cutting a few books would help.

    Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.


    Well, I’m not familiar with Sonlight, especially homeschool – but would it be possible to not worry about their schedule – but basically just schedule the next thing?  Either through the SCM Organizer, or with a paper method, etc?

    blue j

    I used SL before going whole heartedly CM and using SCM. I do not use the Organizer, BUT I would suggest that you choose the books you want to use, then loosely follow the schedule in SL to follow the order.  Figure out how many pages you want her to read per week based on the length of time you’d like her to read it, and plug it into the Organizer as suggested in Planning Your CM Education. Is that the type of help you were seeking?

    Many blessings to you as you pare this down. My trouble is that I’m a box checker and a lover of most of their books, so figuring out what to set aside was nigh on excrusiatingly painful. 🙂


    I use Sonlight and the Online Organizer. When I schedule things in the organizer I schedule one to begin after finishing the previous one in the SL schedule. That way the next literature book just pops up. For the History books I have them all going at once just like in the Sl schedule.

    Bottom line –  just choose the books that you want to use and take as long or short a time as you need to read through them.

    It’s not any different scheduling SL books than any others. We in fact were working on Core 200 this year.

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