Years back, I remember somebody here mentioning an excellent older film to watch while studying American Government but have forgotten the title. Does anyone recall? Thanks, Heather
Do you mean the one about the making of the Constitution? A More Perfect Union? I wouldn’t teach government without it–in fact, we watch it every Constitution Day, but it isn’t very old, I remember when it came out. Or maybe that just means *I’m* old.
That’s the one Michelle! Thanks for the memory recall. Guess you’re right about it not being very old -considering I, too, would have been a young adult when it came out .
Jenn, I was bummed when I searched for the film on Netflix to no avail. If you do happen to come across it, please let me know – I could have searched wrong. Thanks, Heather
I can’t check any longer to see if they do, since I only have the instant download part now, but if they don’t, you can get it for a reasonable price here: Also, sometimes at around Consitution Day time (in Sept) they sometimes offer this movie for free–that’s how I got it, some years ago, so it might be worthwhile to get on their mailing list. They also have free materials available to use with the film.
Heather I couldn’t find it either. I even googled from outside the site and can’t seem to pull anything up except some yoga video (?!). It surprises me that they don’t have it… but I just joined the newsletter at the site that Michelle listed. And actually I may not wait until closer to Sept to purchase the video because it looks like it’s on sale now for $10. They have some other interesting things as well… thanks for linking to that site Michelle.
Jenn, I’m also surprised Netflix doesn’t have it. Michelle, thanks for the link. Mamawebb, thanks for the encouragement; can’t wait to watch the film and study the constitution (at least I’m trying to get geared up for it). Blessings, Heather
*When the current president recently gave one of his executive decisions, my son went to the poster and started reading the separation of powers-the powers enumerated to each branch-and determined where the overreach existed.
We have it too and it is a wonderful thing to have in the library…we have a lot from that site. That is too cool Rachel, that is how they learn…good for him. Linda