HI– I am wondering what is an appropriate time commitment to expect from a 9th grader. Some programs are calling for 6-7 hours of work, not to mention outside -music, sports etc. I am looking for a balance but if i really need to expect this amount of time, then i need to readjust my thinking andplans.
Hi Pam! I have no answer for ya, just wanted to say I’m looking forward to hear answers as we have a 9th grader this year, too, and two more to come shortly!
Hi, ladies this also worried me, and still does – I want our daughters to have time to pursue their own interests as well as the academics, and I did ask Sonya a question about this a while back. CM schools did about 30-45 minutes for lessons at this grade 9th, and I asked if 10,11 and 12 had longer or the same. Sonya said a 5-6 hour day would be reasonable, and I am sure she will correct me here if I am wrong. I have the girls now doing about 6 hours, and sometimes they choose to go longer with reading or on their own projects but we have about 6 hours scheduled, but if some days are shorter and some longer I am not worrying about it. The girls work pretty independently, and at their own pace, so that makes a difference as well. We do not have a lot of outside activities so that is not a problem, at least not during school days. Because of illness our days are sometimes haphazard because we have so many appointments, so there are days when we only have about 3 hours and others that are 5-6 or a bit longer – it varies a little. Sonya suggested that 7 or more hours may be too long on just academics and to try for 5-6 so this is what I have done, and it seems to be working. My panic came from the fact that we have missed a lot of weeks of school due to my daughters illness and I was trying to catch her up with her studies – but we are doing well now with the recommendations Sonya made, so that is my experience. Sorry this rambles a bit, I am a tad distracted this morning. Linda
I should say those 5-6 hours cover all their work and electives and personal interest work – plus we take time for tea and talk morning and afternoon, so though our work goes long sometimes, it is not all heavy work, sometimes it is music, art or family reading and crafting.
Our day looks similar to missingtheshire’s day, though I have yet to incorporate tea time with the girls, which is a goal for this year. Our day is probably closer to the 5 hour mark for academics. Adding in their sports, art, &/or music lessons, then our day is closer to 6 – 7 hours. However, given the curriculum we’ve used in the past, these days feel extremely light compared to those, yet they are learning and retaining more. So that’s my focus. As long as the girls show appropriate progress, I’ll not worry.
Hope you manage to incorporate tea time into your day blue j – it is such a special time for us, we have done it for years and it has brought us so much closer over that time – it also makes a nice break from academics. Sometimes we have our music at that time and sip tea while we listen to our composer, other times we may sew while we have tea, but mostly we just sit and chat and enjoy the few minutes of down time. It is harder right now because one daughter is not allowed tea and cannot eat solid food, so we have to adapt – but we have managed. We have found a herb tea that she can have, and we just don’t have baked goods or anything to eat, just the tea. It is one of my favorite things to do, and can really help to have a quiet spell during the day. Hope you enjoy it like we do.
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