When having your high school student read short stories, do you have them narrate after a few pages? write a short piece after reading the whole thing? discuss? nothing?
Same with literature selections. Should every chapter be narrated in writing? should an analysis essay be written when done with the whole book?
Is there a high school list of analysis type questions that could apply to any book?
We don’t write after every book, we do narrate. For analysis questions you might consider Teaching the Classics from Center for Lit, it is exactly what you are wanting (socratic questions that begin at a light level and go deeper and can generally be applied to any book you are reading).
I am loving the Excellence in Literature guides for my high school girl. It walks her through classic literature and gives her narration and writing assignments that are very CM friendly. It’s been my favorite writing resource we’ve used so far!
Outside of school assignements, we generally discuss any reading she is doing and think through questions together.
We use Excellence in Literature also. I highly recommend them. I’m not sure if they are actual IEW products, though they are by Janice Campbell who I believe is affiliated with them in some way. Just google the name and you’ll find her website. They are definitely in line with iew methodology.
I don’t think they are IEW materials – they have their own website and the writing assignments seem less structured to me. They have several teaching guides that focus on slightly different aspects of writing and use different classic literature to teach the concepts. We have loved it!