High School SCM Module Guide used like a student guide?

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  • mommagruber

    I was wondering if anyone has given the SCM module to your high school aged student and let them use it independently as their student guide/ checklist? Thinking about doing this with Genesis through Deut. for my oldest son in ninth grade next year and wondered if it has (or hasn’t) worked with any of you.

    He would still come to me and do any oral narrations. He is just the type of student that likes to have a checklist to know what he needs to do and he likes to work on his own.

    Thanks! Robi


    Hopefully someone with experience will chime in….my kids are 7th and 4th:) But we’re doing this guide this year and I think it would be very doable. The guides are so economical, that I think I’d cross out the info. directed to lower grades, just so it would be focused directly on what they need to do. Actually, I’m contemplating doing this for my 2 kids next year. I’d like to keep Bible together, but I think they learn better and are time is more efficient when they do more work independently. Just my inexperiened .02:)  Blessings, Gina


    I did this with my 10th grader. Don’t see why it wouldn’t work.


    I think it would work well too.  They are very well laid out

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