High school science, one semester anatomy or astronomy?

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  • jeaninpa

    I need to find some resources for my 16 yo’s ds science for this year.  Background:  he’s taken physical science, next year he’ll take biology at co-op and the year after that, chemistry at co-op.  He has a fairly rigorous schedule with other subjects this year, but I don’t want to skip science all together.  I’m searching for some one semester classes that he could do that would be different than the others that will be on his transcript.  

    He’s not academically inclined and I don’t have much time to put into this with him, so it needs to be something that he can be fairly independent with.  

    I’d appreciate suggestions please.



    We are doing a Clasical Astronomy class from Fourth Day Press this year.  If he does the field journal with the class, they say it is equivalent to a high school science credit.  Here is the link:



    http://www.nlpg.com/homeschool/high-school — Check out the John Tiner books, in particular.  See the FAQ’s section for info about high school credit, etc.  Oh, re-reading your message, you should really thoroughly investigate all high school science books  — there are a lot of very interesting things to choose from, and would stand out on a transcript.


    Those both look good.  Thank you!

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