High School Plans

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  • Marsha

    I have made plans…

    Se Will do Heart of Dakota Creation to CHrist with us and I will add….

    Analytical Grammar

    IEW Ancient History Based Writing with TWSS if needed

    Written Narrations

    Mathusee Geometry

    For  History:  Young Folks Josephus, Plutarch’s Lives for Boys and Girls, Caesar’s Gallic Wars, THe Greek Way, The Roman Way, and Ancient History Portfolio

    For Literaure: Greenleaf Guide to Anciet Literature Includes Epic of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey , The Oedipus Cycle ,Antigone)

    and she will also read Julius Caesar by Shakespeare using Brightest Invention of Heaven Guide.

    Apologia Biology

    Plus she will do Typing, Photography, Choir, and Piano.

    Is this too much or too little?

    What would you add/take away?

    Thank you

    ETA: This is for 9th grade.

    Michele Barmore

    Is she college bound?

    If so then I would say yes, it looks good.

    I personally would think that written narrations is all you need for writing and grammar—thats all my oldest daughter did.

    Does she ‘want’ to do all the extras-Photograhy, Choir, and piano?  Might be heading for an early burnout. Unless she is one who needs all this extra stuff : )

    The Plutaarchs lives, and some of her reading -is pretty hard core stuff–and they really are not ‘living history’ books–have you read them?  Pretty dry stuff IMO. : )

    I always try to keep thier History ‘living books’ –I want them to ‘want’ to read and to learn.  

    From what I can see you have her doing 3 different History courses–HOD, IEW, plus the reading materials.

    You ‘both’ might get burned out tyring to do this much school in one year.

    Does she know what she wants to be when she graduates? If you can, try to focus on what will lead to her ultimate goal–Keeper At Home, Nurse, ect.  

    At this age we are preparing them to leave us—think about what you want her to take with her when she leaves your house.

    I wanted my girls to be able to cook 14 meals, write out a budget for our house, pay bills, Homeschool their own children, discipline their children, Defend the Faith,ect, ect,.  So I make sure that this was at the top of the list.

     I am trying to type this fast—nap time is almost over—so I hope it did not come across to cold or critical.

    Try to enjoy her while you have her–she will be gone(out of the house) before you know it. : )



    IMHO this sounds like a very heavy load.  May I ask why three different history programs?  And I have to agree about the “living books”.   It sounds like you are trying to cram in way too much. 

    What are your educational goals for her?     In my family for example we are emphasizing the idea that our country was founded by God-fearing people who lived their lives by God’s word.  They had a high sense of morals and ethics and worked for themselves.  One of the things I will require from my children before they receive a HS diploma is that they start and run a business.  It doesn’t have to be the next Microsoft, but I want them to use their God given abilities to earn a living.  We are saving for college for them, but are not pushing it.     

    Like the writer above my daughter will learn how to run a household, practice hospitality and care for the needy.  My son will learn to be the spiritual leader of his family, work with his hands, and care for the needy.  Having these goals for them makes it easier to determine which subjects to emphasize (econonmics) and which are not as important.  Extra curricular activities for them will center around learning to do things with their hands and working toward opening a business.  My daughter loves animals and photography, and is considering pet photo business.   

    I am not saying this is the right way to do it I am just showing how we are planning their education around their future lives.   I, too, hope not to sound cold.  It’s hard to show feeling while typing on a computer.  I think it shows great character on your part to share your ideas with others and ask their opinion.  Your children will learn that very important quality from you and that’s something they can use the rest of their lives.   G*d bless!


    Thank you for answering my questions.

    I will take a lot of things off the list..  She doesn’t know what she wants to do yet.  She can already cook, crochet, and knit.

    She crochets things  and sells them, so I guess she already runs a business.

    I am very glad you told me it was too much instead of me trying to get it all done.


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