High school history, need help

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  • I just finished Beautiful Feet Early american and World History with my 17 year olds. We did a loooong and thorough study and did every book and video recommneded and also a Book of Centuries. I laster realized it is considered 8-9th gr. BF told me to count it as 1 history and 1/2 lit credits. 

    My question is, what should I do the rest of this year and next year. It seems silly to do another American and World history when that is all we HAVE done even though it probably wasn’t on as high of a level as it should have been. 

    They have a credit and a half from a co-op that is mainly economics.  My concern is more what would be the best for them to cover. The Renaissance, modern history, govenment. I am ready and willing to do one class this year and summer and another next year. I just want to make the best choice with the time we have left so they are more prepared fro college.

    Thank you so much – its my first time with high school !


    You will need to check your state’s requirements, but you may need to put some government in their curriculum. The BF guide for the 1900s is a great course, though it does not meet our government requirement. We’ve done different things to meet that requirement. Two of my children outlined the Constitution for the gov’t emphasis alongside BF. Another just read the books on the wars for history, while taking Hillsdale College’s free government course and then used the other books in the course for literature. We’ve also been stuck at the end with seemingly missing “chunks” of history. Literature book lists to the rescue! I just assigned a list that was heavily weighted on the missing time periods.



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