High school History Course Sequence

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  • Amy Vonsik


    I’m new to SCM History Cycles and trying to map out my upcoming 9th grader’s history courses for high school.  If you had to pick 4 out of the 6 history cycles, which would you choose?  Or is it possible to combine 2 cycles?

    We will be starting with Modern in 9th because that will be the next time period for our homeschool.

    Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions!


    Standard advice is to make sure to get through Modern and Early modern as those together make 1 credit of American history.

    If you skip Bible you can combine the 1st 3, but I think Bible is a really great part of them.

    I personally don’t love Greece and Rome as much as the other 4 modules. I think the Old Testament one is great!

    Maybe just quickly read the family spine books for Greece and Rome over a summer ….or do that for whichever ones you skip? Just read the 1 family spine book as a quick overview…

    Amy Vonsik

    Thank you, I appreciate your suggestions!  I love the idea of reading the family spines books for Greece and Rome over the summer!  Great idea!

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