High School history

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  • hollybraly

    Hi! I am about to start homeschooling a high schooler!! So here’s my situation and question:

    5th-8th grade we did The Good and the Beautiful history. Now that my daughter is starting high school, I’m wanting to do something different. I’m very drawn to Charlotte Mason, and especially the Simply Charlotte Mason curriculum, but am unsure of what to do for history. Their history rotation is 6 years, yet we only have 4 years of school left. I know I don’t have to ‘fit everything in’, but I also don’t want to miss out on anything. Suggestions?


    Personally, I would plan on using the following guides: Early Modern(9th grade), Modern (10th), Genesis (11th), and the let her choose from the 3 remaining guides for 12th.  That would give full credits in American History, World History, and Ancient and/or Medieval history depending on her choice for senior year. Just plan on adding in an American Government (.5 credit) class sometime during the Early Modern or Modern guides. I believe SCM recommends taking the Notgrass government class at a slower pace so you could even spread it out over both of those guides.

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