High School Essay & Research

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  • Misty

    I am wondering what everyone has used for teaching high school essay and research papers?

    I would like to know:

    1. How much knowledge/involvement on the teachers part?

    1a. Could a student do it alone?

    2. Web site links

    3. Props & Cons

    4. How your student liked/disliked it

    5. Being all children are different, please also comment on .. going into the program was your student a strong, average or weak in the english/grammar area.

    I am trying to find a good fit for our family and would like to get a few good ideas under my belt.




    I use IEW for teaching writing. For me, it’s teacher involved. I am using the US history theme based lessons which are easy to follow, but still require my involvement. I can see that they could use another theme based student guide after this one with much less required of me. But, I think I’d still be involved. I have a little book from Christian Liberty Press for teaching the research paper. It seems fairly self contained and would possibly work in a self directed fashion. We haven’t gotten to that point, yet.

    I’m curious to find others who’ve used the resources suggested for 11th & 12th grades on the SCM free curriculum guide for essays and research papers.




    I am currently using the research paper one; I used something else for essay.  The research paper one is an audio file and a bunch of helps, reproducibles, instructions for the student, examples and rubrics.  It is simple and easy to use but the parent and the child have to work together. 

    I loved Epi Kardia’s Essay and Research paper course – the girls did really well on it and it is very easy to implement and with the Rubrics and sample essay types easy for the girls to do with little input from me except for grading. They really enjoyed it and I recommend it.



    they also do a wonderful public speaking course for a great elective.


    We have used all these and they are really, really good and get the job done. Lidna


    Would you each mind to please explain the time it took you to sit with your child. Also, was this daily, weekly, for a semester a quarter or an entire year?

    I am asking more on the research paper side of things. Like is it step by step in the program? Did you need additional resources than the book? Linda what does Rubrics mean for someone who’s never heard that before? The grading.. is there an answer key or how did you base the grading? I guess I’d also need to know based on the previous question how fluent you are in grammar.

    Thanks everyone just when you have time. Misty

    Misty a rubric is just an assessment tool for communicating expectations of quality and is something on a print out that gives you an idea and the student the idea of what is expected. The Epi Kardia courses require nothing extra and are complete in the book. I know grammar but am no scholar by any means – my daughters were in 10th grade when they did the essay course and 11th for research paper and public speaking courses – they had done Write with the Best prior to that which also covered some essay writing as well. There is no answer key, but I think you would be able to tell by the sample essays and the guidance in the book whether they were doing a good job or not. I cannot remember if there was a sample on the website or not, perhaps you could check. The girls did the daily lesson and then I would check it – I did not sit with them at all – I don’t think it was necessary at 10th/11th grade – we would go over the essay type before they started, I would give them the checklists and go over expectations and that was it. Each essay type took anywhere from 4-8 weeks depending on what type it was. The girls did them in 4-5 weeks, but they are good writers and there is time for those students who need the extra time. I graded based on what was expected and if they had met the criteria that the lesson plan had laid out. Hope that helps. Linda

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