High School Credits

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  • dascott

    I am planning to use the CM method for our homeschool next year and my son will be in 9th grade.  I am wondering how you that have high schoolers give grades to the history modules.  Do you grade their narration of books they read or have them write out the narration and grade that? I can see how you can calculate hours without any problems, but am having a hard time with the grading part.  Any and all information would be GREAT!  Thanks.



    I simply don’t give grades.  We only grade the “easily-testable” subjects–math, science, Latin.  Everything else I write a description of the course explaining our mastery approach, explaining the work involved, and stating that the child met the goals of the course. 

    Remember, this is YOUR high school.  You can do it how you want.  Another thing you might want to consider if you use CM methods is the possibility of writing course descriptions that cover several years–for example, instead of doing “9th grade history”  “10th grade history” etc, I give one credit for American history and one credit for World history.  I organize my transcripts by subject instead of by year.

    There are a number of resources out there to help with all this. 


    Bookworm — can you mention some of the resources that help regarding this — I would love to check them out.  Thanks.





    I rely a  lot on this website and the resources available there:


    Also I have Homeschooling Through High School:  Planning Ahead for College Admission by Jeanne Gowen Dennis.  And I have gotten a lot of information on the hs2coll group on yahoogroups–just search for it.  It is a secular group.  A few people there have a very dim view of conservative committed Christians.  :-l  Just for a warning.  But there is a wealth of information there.  Many members have had their children admitted to very, very selective colleges (Harvard, Stanford, etc.)   Not that I’m  necessarily aiming that high, but it’s nice to hear all the tips and info.

    Michelle D

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