High school composition and literature analysis

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  • I would like to hear what other homeschooling parents are using for thier high school children. I am going nuts in what cirruclm to chose as far as compostion and literature analysis for my DD. I bought the AG season 1 but I am not sure if it is enough for what she may need next school year. 




    I can say that we did not like the AG Beyond the Book Report Season 1. We shelved it after using the first “report”. We are using Jump In by Sharon Watson with more success in middle school. I may use Sharon’s hs program if needed.


    I am trying Sharon’s new high school program with my youngest this fall.  I wasn’t happy with his progress during Jump In.  I mean, he did OK, but he is not yet ready to turn out essays using my favorite lit program, Lightning Lit.  I’ve tried several things so I wasn’t trying to simultaneously come up with lit analysis and questions for multiple jr. high and high school kids, and tried a few things, and liked Lightning Lit the best.  (Second best, Total Language Plus).  

    I have heard of both of these writting programs. There are so many programs to choose from and then we you see what you like, there are even subdivions on top of that. 

    I am stressing out about this because, I am not a good writer. I struggle with this  and I just don’t want my children to struggle like I have had to.  I guess, I need prayer while I am in search for the “prefect” writing program. 

    missceegee, can I ask, why didn’t you care of BBR from AG?

    Bookworm, why do you like Lightning Lit the best?


    It uses real, complete works of literature, has good analysis, is set up for the student to use, and has good essay questions.  It does have some rather silly comprehension questions; we just use narration instead.  It’s inexpensive, and a pretty good preparation for a college lit class.  It even has a similar feel to some of my college classes.  There are schedules for both using each course as a semester or if your student needed a slower pace, for a full year.  There are lots of choices too!  We’ve enjoyed them very much.  We’ve done I think 7 of the courses by now.


    I am on their site right now and there a lot to chose from. Would you say, that Lighting Lit is more for lit. analysis then writing a paper? I also looked at Sharon’s new program ” Power in your hand”. It looks like it can hold my hand as I teach my DD. If it is as good as it looks, I think I may need a book for myself and learn for once how to really write. 


    For composition I bought Power in Your Hands, and for literature analysis I got “Windows to the World:Introduction to Literary Analysis”. I also have a book “Words of Delight” that teaches literary terms using the Scriptures.

    We are using Notgrass history which includes literature books.


    Sarai, if you need to TEACH how to do an essay, yes, you will need to do it yourself or get a resource.  Lightning Lit has an excellent essay component, but no real essay instruction.  You are given several very good choices with each unit, of a paper to write, but must know already how to complete it.  I have not yet used Power in Your Hand but I do have it on the shelf now; it looks very thorough.  I hope it is as well received by my remaining student as Jump In was.  

    Thank you ladies for the suggestions. Smile

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