High School Botany

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  • Kim

    Has anyone decided to put together their own Botony High School course?

    My daughter has expressed an interest in studying Botany and I’m trying to decide which CM Books would be a good fit to include for a science credit for high school. She has already completed the other 3 credits for science (i.e. Biology, Chemistry & Astronomy)

    Also, has anyone tried a Botony pre-made curriculum such as Guest Hollow, Ellen McHenry Botany in 8 Lessons, or others like it?


    We did Guesthollow Botany. We had a good overall experience with her curriculum. Look through the books carefully before making purchases. The book list is extensive, and if you buy them all it could break the budget. I utilized as many free resources as I could, such as Hoopla and Libby (Overdrive) through our public library and I got several books used from various places. I also have a Kindle Unlimited subscription and that allowed me to get some of the books for free as well. It is very thorough, and she recommends, as all good curriculum should, that you should make it work for you, not the other way around. If you are a mom that feels the need to check all boxes, I would caution you against this one, but if you are able to mark out guilt-free, this botany course has high potential to really enhance your science studies. Also, a few of the resources have some pretty adult material-PRE READ!!! None of us cared for McHenry’s Botany, but I think it’s because of the “worksheet” feel that her books usually lean towards. If you have a child that loves science, Guesthollow Botany could be a great choice!


    My suggestion is a bit off the beaten path, but if your daughter is also interested in medicinal plants, herbal remedies, and anything in that area, you might consider a year long (or month-by-month) subscription to Herb Mentor, through LearningHerbs.com.  Not only is there a full botany course included on the site (video course using a botany book) but there are many other courses and resources available for all levels of interest in botany and herbs.


    Thank you all so much for your insights and suggestions! Awesome. I’ll definitely look into these. So exciting 😉


    Sabbath Mood Homeschool also offers a Botany course which looks pretty good.

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