Hey I am new to this and would love advice or tips on High School Biology? Are there any books that come to mind that I could get from the library or there other things that would help?
I checked the science page and was going to get the first suggestion but after reading many reviews, I am not sure about it due to some of the facts being inaccurate in the book. Many people suggest Apologia but my daughter had it for Physcial Science and did NOT like it at all and from a thrify momma’s perspective, it was expensive…I would love to teach her with only living books but not sure how or if I do need to get a text book to use as a guide, I am not sure as to which one…
I didn’t like Apologia either so we decided to use the 101 series Biology. It has a DVD and a guide book. You add in lots of living books to supplement. So far my son loves it (he’s about half way thru).
Whether or not you need to use a textbook depends on if your student is planning on going to college. Colleges expect students to have learned certain biological topics which would be covered in any high school level biology textbook. Also, if college is an option for your student, then using text books for high school science will help in learning how to learn from a text book.
There are several options besides Apologia for textbooks. Science Shepherd Biology is a good alternative. You could also look into Bob Jones or other textbook providers for other options.
If your student is not going to college, then using living books is certainly an option. Biology is one of the easier sciences to cover without a textbook. I would recommend that you use the table of contents from a textbook or a scope and sequence for high school biology as a guide for what topics to look for in living books. Apologia and Science Shepherd have table of contents/ scope and sequence available on their websites. Typically, a high school biology course will cover different types of cells, cell parts and functions, basic human anatomy, basic ecology, basic genetics, chemistry as it relates to cell function, evolution/creation, and a study of different organisms from each kingdom/phylum.
She is planning on attending the Art Institute of Sacramento for Graphic Design. The only reason I am trying to prepare her for the SAT is because she is hoping between her art ability and a high score, that she will earn a scholarship:) She went to public school from kindergarden through half of 9th grade so she is used to learning from textbooks so I do not worry about her adjusting to college life. I just want to make sure she learns as much as she can:)
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