High School Biology and History

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  • Ann

    Does anyone know of a video series I could use to add some visuals for my daughter’s high school biology and also American and world history?

    Or something hands on for high school history?  We love SCM curriculum but she’s more of a visual and hands on learner.  We will be dissecting for science, which she will love.

    Any ideas are appreciated.



    The Biology 101 DVD’s are a popular video supplement.

    As far as hands-on for history, you might look at Diana Waring’s History Revealed. It’s a mix of reading, audio recordings, research, and there are lots of suggestions for art and projects in each unit. But it’s world history, not American.


    How about learning some traditional skills that were common in other periods of history, such as candle making, fabric dyeing with natural elements, wood or metal working, writing with a quill pen, paper making, soap making, weaving, needlework, medicinal plant gardening…


    I suggest the same as ErinD.

    Apologia Exploring Creation through Biology, 2nd edition, has optional videos.  They can be expensive, about $150 new.  I bought them used.  They are mp4 files which play only on DVD players on a computer.  But I can play them on our Blueray player also.

    Drive Thru History has American History episodes.  Many are free streaming at TBN website or iTBN Roku channel.  Or buy dvds at Christianbook or libraryanded.

    Visit area museums and festivals and historical reenactments for field trips.

    Visual Manna’ s Teaching American History through Art

    For Kids series has hands-on activities and handicrafts from various time periods.  Civil War for Kids by Janis Herbert, Jane Austin for Kids by Nancy I. Sanders, etc. from Chicago Review Press.


    Angela O’dell has some history videos online. Look for her on Facebook.

    I second Diana Waring too.


    Take a look at Devotional Biology by Compass Classroom. We will be using this, and getting together with another family to co-op the labs in my home. You can download 2 free lessons to check it out.


    Just saw a suggestion on another site, from another homeschool parent to try Khan Academy’s science videos for supplemental “visual” learning. (https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology — as a sample)

    Tamara Bell

    Make sure to check out the “links & tips” found at each history guides page. If using Modern History, we recommend several Ken Burns videos.  🙂


    Many of the Ken Burns videos are on Amazon Prime, if you have a subscription!

    We’ve also like the 101 Series (we haven’t used the Biology one though).  Also, nature documentaries like The Blue Planet.

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