High School Astronomy

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Amy.
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  • Amy

    I am trying to gather up some really good books/ or a good course if you know of one, for my 11th grader.  He has already had Biology, Chemistry and Physics and was looking for something to take before taking college Biology.  He will be in Calculus so Math based is okay.  He really is interested in this subject and is such a deep thinker I have to watch the books I get him to make sure they are appropriate.  I am looking for good books that dig in depth in the subject and do not have an anti-Christian view point.  Thanks for your ideas!


    I found this astronomy course that I thought looked great.  Not sure how it would be for an 11th grader as mine will be in 8th, 7th, 6th, and 3rd next year;  http://www.homeschoolastronomy.com/sample-presentation/



    Institue for Creation Research has some good books and videos. I heard one of the founders and author Jason Lisle speak at our homeschool conference last summer. It was fascinating! To hear astronomy from a Christian perspective and the details he got into, I was a bit “lost” but amazed. If anything if there was a way to contact him through the web page, he might have some great suggestions as well. He spoke of the difficulity of being a Christian in his field of Astronomy too.


    We are reading through Signs and Seasons right now.  It is an easier book (compared to something like Apologia), but can be done for high school credit by adding their field guide or you could use it alongside other books since it could easily be read in less than a year’s time.  It is from a Christian perspective and makes Astronomy easy to understand.


    Thank you for your replies!  Thanks Sarah for your idea of the Creation Research with Jason Lisle, I actually was looking at this at MasterBooks which have a set called Survey of Astronomy which includes his book:  Taking Back Astronomy.  I am going to look some more into that one.

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