High School and 9th grade roll call!

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  • joyfulfarmgirl

    I have been reading Sonya’s articles on Homeschooling through High School and thought it would be encouraging to see who all is currently homeschooling the SCM or CM way through high school. I’d especially love to know who has 9th graders this fall so we can encourage one another!

    I’ll start….

    We have 7 blessings and our oldest will be in 9th in the fall. Thinking of SCM mods 1-2 this year for all 7 OR just the youngest 6 and having 9th grader do MFW AHL on her own. I’d love input on this as well!



    We have an 11th grader in the fall, doing early American history, physics, calculus and German. 


    I have a 9th grade daughter in the fall: we are doing Konos History of the World, so Ancients and Hebrews (plus Lit and Comp)

    She’ll do Algebra, Spanish, Latin, and Biology.


    My ds14 will be in 9th grade this fall! I simply cannot believe I have a high schooler! My other kids are ds12 in 7th grade and ds5 in kindergarten (again, how is my baby in kindergarten???) I am still working out details, but we will be using SCM for bible study and memorization, Sonlight Core 100 for history and literature, Apologia Physical Science, Christian Light Education for algebra 1, EpiKardia for Essay writing, French, and various other things as I figure them out! I am a little daunted, but also a lot excited to start the high school adventure! I have seen so much growth (physically, academically, emotionally, etc.) in my son in the past year, and I am excited to see what God has for him in the high school years.


    My ds14 will be (officially) starting 9th grade in the fall as well; he’s been going at his own pace and doing high school level work for a few years now, but this will be his first year declared high school. For the record: my kids are not all like this and I don’t want this list to seem like my expectation for highschoolers – it’s just where he is right now. My other three homeschoolers (we have two kids in college) will be in 6th grade (two of them) and 4th grade.

    My 9th grader will be using TQ Middle Ages and Ren & Ref History; Lightning Literature British: Medieval books and guide along with other literature selections (from AO and SCM) and The Elegant Essay for a quick course in different essay forms; advanced biology at a local homeschool consortium; Saxon Geometry; an intro to Latin and a foreign language we haven’t yet selected and planned yet (I’ve been remiss here, yikes). We’ll also throw in some Shakespeare, art and poetry along with Bible and devotionals (perhaps SCM?) that I haven’t totally mapped out yet.

    Looking forward to hearing what others are doing as we finalize our plans – I’m a bit daunted by this too!




    I too will have a high schooler this year – ack, how did that happen? My DD is entering 9th grade, however I have no plan yet (well I do in my head, but it’s not on paper or for certain yet). We are still trying to finish up this school year due to some unfortunately health circumstances which happened to my youngest child. We won’t be starting until later Sept-early Oct because of our delay in having summer break plus the summers in the Pacific NW don’t really start unti July, so we might as well enjoy the nice weather which usually sticks around through most of October. I’ll be anxious to see what others will be doing.


    DD is 14 and will be in 9th grade this fall. Our plan is to combine TQ and SCM and get through modules 1&2 this year.


    I have 4 girls. My oldest will be in 9th this year. She is doing Module 1(with the family), Lightning Lit, AG Essay, Apologia Physical, Teaching Textbooks, Spanish and Photography.


    I have one 12th grader doing Gov’t and Econ and pre-calculus  in the fall and one 9th grader doing American history & lit and Algebra 1. We use IEW writing for composition. We are probably not strictly CM but more eclectic in style.

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