High School American History question

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  • Hi all, I am using Notgrass Exploring America with my 16 yr old son for American History this year. This curriculum comes with exams and quizzes but if I am using CM methods,then I would not use those,right??  I have been having him narrate what he reads to me but wonder how I am going to give him a grade??  I am new to CM this year so I am still trying to learn the methods………….thanks for any advice!! Wendy


    You know, this is a good question…about grades.  My 9th grader wants grades, but I am struggling on how to give grades using the CM method. (We are new to it, as well.)

    (I am also considering using Notgrass American with him as well, sort of as a spine, and not for the exams.  I’m having trouble figuring out where to put all those source documents when he does his history reading on his own–I’m not sure when he’s come up to the point where to use themLaughing.  Notgrass has them scheduled into the reading.)

    We have used Notgrass and what we did was read the chapters and then the girls would either do a written narration or oral narration on the chapter from memory.  Sometimes they use one of the essay questions in the Notgrass book, or if there is something I want them to do, I give them the essay title.  We do not use the Bible or Literature in the Notgrass book, because we do our Bible study from the Bible as a different subject, and the literature they had mostly already read and we chose different books.  They occasionally ask me to quiz them orally from the quiz book – because they like to see what they remember – but I grade on the overall quality of their narrations, their history essays based on things we have read in the chapter, and the other books they read for history.  I list the source documents on the reading list I keep for them.  Apart from Notgrass they are reading A Patriot’s History of the United States and then biographies on Washington, Jefferson and various things on the founders.  We are watching DVDs from Wallbuilders, and they also read The 5000 Year Leap. I grade on the overall quality of all the work.   Hope that helps.  Linda

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