high chool and grammer/ writing

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  • jill smith

    I am in need of some advice for my son a 9th grade boy. Not sure what to use for high school L.A and grammar/writing for a credit for him. Looking for some help on a program for him. He is not fond of reading, but I do encourage it at least 1/2 hr a day and has had a little grammar and writing from a teacher. I am not wanting to put out all that money again this year. Thanks.

    Rachel White

    Some good grammar materials for that age is either Our Mother Tongue using Ambleside ONline’s two year method or Analytical Grammar. Depends on what style you want and $. AG is more expensive than OMT. OMY has a TG available at Amazon.

    OMT: http://www.exodusbooks.com/details.aspx?id=5245

    AG also has some writing materials. http://www.analyticalgrammar.com/

    Also, Epi Kardia,

    essay – http://epikardia.com/essay_styles_for_high_school.html

    research – http://epikardia.com/the_steps_to_writing_a_research_paper.html

    Rod and Staff combines grammar and composition, but I don’t know where you’d start him; you’d have to check.

    I’m sure you’ll get other great suggestions.


    OMT would be my suggestion. It’s economical and very thorough. However, one of our sons appreciated Easy Grammar Plus. EG+ also has a writing program. It’s not really a college prep writing program, but is plenty if that is not the after highschool goal.

    As we use IEW, I can only give my next recommendation based on the info. I’ve read at the AG site for the Beyond the Book Report writing program. Again, it doesn’t necessarily look like all you’d need for college level writing prep, but it would expose him to a variety of writing situations and give him opportunities to build in that area for minimal expense.



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