We are just getting started with Charlotte Mason and learning about her methods. Is there anyone from central or south Mississippi that is doing CM homeschooling?
I am from So MS. I do a mix of things. Sometimes our leanings are more CM and other times it is more unit study-ish. The things I like best about CM are nature studies, handicrafts, arts and music, small bites, narration and dictation. While I love all of these, they don’t all get done as often as I would like. But the good thing is they can be applied to ANY learning and teaching style. Waving. Hi Neighbor!
We are in Central MS, south of Jackson. We are doing Genesis to Deut this year. This is our first year using SCM and so far we love it. We are just getting started for the year and I still need to get our plans worked out for Music, Art and Hymn Study….and trying to figure out how to schedule everything 🙂 We have ages 16 to 1 so we do our core as a family and then they work on individual subjects like Math, Science and Language Arts. We have always used a living books approach but not necessarily labeled it CM. I wish I would have learned more about the CM method when my older ones were younger 🙂
It is so nice to see someone else in my area using CM! We live near Hattiesburg. There are some homeschool groups in our area but I haven’t found anyone doing CM. I still have a lot to learn and a lot of organizing to do because right now I’m not sure how to schedule our days but I have some time. 🙂 I look forward to seeing you guys around and if you hear of any CM-ish groups in our area I would love to know about them since everyone I have talked to uses ABeka. 🙂
I know what you mean. I am further west than you are, but almost everyone here uses ABeka or CLE. I only know 1 person (my oldest dd’s MIL) who used any CM at all. I am pretty much out of the click here with my methods of schooling. Glad our relationships don’t depend on it though. I have some awesome hs friends. =) Hope you find at least one CM buddy! I only get to Hatti about once per year unless dd has a doc appt. I just can’t afford the gas to drive that far.
I am about an hour north of you, in Florence. We aren’t a part of any homeschool group right now. Most of the homeschoolers I know do not use CM methods either, but I have learned a lot reading all the wonderful wisdom on this forum and find a lot of encouragment reading the post! I checked out the link missceegee posted but looks like the only group is in North MS :/
Hey y’all! I’m in hattiesburg and have loved learning about CM through A Delectable Education podcast! There a few other moms who are joining me for a group study of CM’s Volume One. Let me know if you would like more info! We also hope to start a Nature Club in 2017!
Bridgett 🙂
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