Hesitant to Combine for History

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  • HSMom03

    Hey all!  I am thinking about using the SCM handbooks for history in the future but I am hesitant to combine ages.  Mainly because I don’t think I want my young ones exposed to mythology.  I know I could start with a different time period but at some point I’d have young ones doing ancient history.  The handbook doesn’t say to avoid this topic with little ones but rather suggests that you don’t allow them to fill their minds too much with false gods, etc.  However, I’m not exactly sure how I would do that!  Wondering what others think and do.  Thanks!


    We study the Bible and the historical events on the timeline during Ancients, but leave mythology til highschool. We do go over the fact that many believed in false gods early on though. Doing it this way has worked well for us.


    That sounds great, TailorMade!  So in that case, I could start with Ancients?  


    I also delay Mythology until the kids are older.  I think SCM is designed to make that very simple.  If the egyptian/greek gods come up in the family reading, consider having olders read that section independently, or skipping it completely if you only have youngers. Story of the Greeks/Romans is geared more for older kids, anyway.

    Doug Smith

    Also, since the Bible is integrated with history you constantly have the opportunity to point back to the truth.


    What he said. ;0)

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