I have 6 children and have used MUS, Developmental Math, Cusinaire, Rod & Staff and didn’t like any of these for our children.
Rays, Prof. B., Math Mammonth – These I have now. I do like these.
Each one has its gaps and I have had problems putting it all together.. Concepts-hands on, Drill, & Prob. Solve
I know in my my heart that learning the facts needs to be through games and stories. Concepts needs to be taught through hands on such as Cu. does but there wasnt anything scripted and put together for review etc. My other children 19,20,26 & 28 suffered. I’m not a math person and neither is my husband. I got discouraged and was out of the curriculum mode for quite a few years. I didn’t know about Right Start and that it came out about the middle of the 90’s or that RS got popular later on. I’m just learning about it. I spoke with a RS lady this morning and said there is hope.
But I don’t know if MOL or RS would work better for us. RS said that they could right into Video Text Alg. after E. MOL goes up to 8th. I don’t like the grade level idea at all and why I liked Rays. Also, I love mastery instead of spiral.
Then I wondered if I need something else to go with RS to cover any gaps they might have for review?
Others I’m looking at is Systematic math which is for later concepts and Life of Fred when they get to fractions for stories to cement that part.
These are the only programs that I would consider. I have done alot of research off and on through the many years.
ck out the recent threads Choosing Math then Straight Math Advice RS & Others. we’ve been in conversation about the basics and all the rest including systematic math and key to books. hope that helps.
I just love the Math U See program. My children do too. It is short lessons and DVD. They do it all on their own and you can learn too. 🙂 If they don’t get it they can go back to the DVD. So simple. Just plug it in. 🙂
I wasn’t telling you or hinting that you should repost on a more appropriate thread or anything like that… I didn’t know if you had seen those other threads or followed the discussions…and I was hoping that some of the content would ease your mind about what to cover and how much and how…etc. the basics also i had talked about systematic math…and key to books…etc.
i’m so sorry for the misunderstanding. joanna
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