Helping Auditory Learning Master Math Facts

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  • amyjane

    My ds7 is really struggling with memorizing his math facts.  He is putting the work in but they just aren’t sticking.  After a talk with my husband I need to find some ways to help him specifically geared toward auditory learners.  He knows the words to millions of songs but he gets stumped with the facts.  Please help!!


    Rapid Recall by Little Giant Steps helped my dd tremendously. We had tried EVERYTHING! She went from not knowing her addition facts to mastering all operations within a year or so. And she’s not lost any over time. She’s 12 now.


    My boys simply do online math drills. For an auditory learner, I’d have him say the problem and the answer out loud.

    A lady from the WTM boards long ago posted about a memorization technique she used. It focuses on using the child’s dominant ear, which is usually the same side as the hand the child writes with. You record the memory work, and have the child listen to it with headphones, but only in the dominant ear.

    She used to have a website where she explained more about why this was helpful, but I can’t seem to find it.

    I often feel like I’m in the minority with this opinion, but I’ve never cared for learning math facts with songs. It just seems to add too much additional information that the child has to sort through to find the answer to a problem.


    I like the “input” ideology of the Rapid Recall program, too.


    Also recommending Rapid Recall. I have used this program with both my kids this year, one with diagnosed auditory processing disorder. She is still very slow in completing the speed drills, but she definitely knows her facts–however slowly they may come to her. 

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