Help with writing/grammar/handbooks please

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  • Misty

    Ladies, I don’t have a lot of book space left Cry and can’t see anytime soon getting any more.  So I have to cut back on books I have more than one of in the same area’s.  Could you tell me of the following list which as a whole would be the best books to keep:

    21st Century Grammar Handbook edited by The Princeton Language Institute and Joseph Hollander

    Writers Inc – A student handbook for writing and learning

    The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook by Kirszner and Mandell

    The Everyday Writer by Andrea Lunsford

    Hodges’ Harbace Handbook 13th Edition with 1998 MLA Style Manual Updates

    So what ones are a must to keep???  Thanks


    I haven’t heard of any of these. I know the MLA guide has changed a ton since 1998, so if the Hodges Harbace Handbook is heavily dependent on it, I probably isn’t a good one to keep.


    bumping.. any other thoughts


    one last try


    Hi Misty,

    The only one that I have any experience with is the Writer’s Inc. book.  If it is the one for older kids, I would encourage you to keep it.  My daughter, now 23, used hers all through middle school, high school, and yes, even in college.  When she moved to Seattle, she put many of her books on our family bookshelves and boxed up the ones that were “hers” only.  She put Writers Inc. in with her personal books.  She knew she would need it in finishing college.  I’m sorry I haven’t read any of the other ones at all.  The edition she has is from somewhere in the very early 2000’s, but I”m not sure of the actual edition.


    I have Writer’s, Inc., Rod and Staff English Handbook, Christian Light Grammar handbook, and Learning Grammar Through Writing. I have yet to think any of them is just wonderful. Learning Grammar Through Writing is pretty easy to use for elementary school. I think the Christian Light Grammar book is the simplist to look at and find things in – but we are talking grammar here. The Writer’s Inc. has much more actual writing things in. I haven’t had a high schooler yet – thinking they will all get more use then. Oh, you could avoid all the books on your shelf and get The Only Grammar Book You’ll Ever Need on Kindle.


    A friend of mine has highly recommended Writer’s INC.  Her dd has used it a lot and both have found it very helpful.  I can’t wait to get mine next yr!  LOL




    I have Writer’s Inc but honestly haven’t found it be useful for our family.  My favorite grammar resouce book is Rod and Staff’s grammar handbook.  I also have Abeka’s handbook but R&S is my go-to resource.  I just got in the mail today Learning Grammar Through Writing but haven’t had a chance to look at it.

    Do you use or foresee the use of the other ones you mentioned?  I don’t know of them.  I know that I have hung on to books for years thinking that I may someday find a need for them, but I am learning that if I haven’t opened it up, chances are I never will.  What is that old guideline for cleaning out your closet?  If you haven’t worn it in 2 years, get rid of it?!!!  Wink

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