My ds10 is going into 5th grade. He reads well overall. However, when he comes to a longer unfamiliar word, he doesn’t take the time to sound out the individual parts and blend them together. He makes a guess based on some of the letters that catch his eye. At this time, I plan for his reading to primarily come from his science and history lessons. I have not planned to use a reader this year. Do any of you have suggestions of ways to approach this? I have thought of pulling words from daily reading ahead of time and having him practice sounding-out skills with these words. Would this be enough? Any ideas?
Can you teach him some common prefixes and suffixes? When I’m teaching my DC to read, I have them break up the word into smaller parts/syllables. So the word “enjoyment” would be split into en-joy-ment.
I think reading slowly and carefully is yet another habit to work on. Reading aloud is a great way to practice it. I try to have each of my DC read aloud throughout the week. Bible readings and poetry are great subjects to have them read aloud. You can also alternate who reads each line/verse/stanza/etc. so they aren’t reading the entire passage if it’s too difficult for them.
I was told by a reading tutor that this is common for kids once they reach a certain stage in their progression of reading. I agree that reading aloud is a great way to continue to work on this. I also encourage my son to sound it out, break it down, etc. I will only give him the word if he has made his best effort to sound it out himself.
Thank you both! It is reassuring to know that this is a common stage of reading. I plan to utilize the ideas you both have shared. I appreciate your help very much!
Best wishes to each of you for a great school year!
I read about this stage when my son hit it. We took the advice of me covering the word with my finger and only exposing a syllable at a time. It created a habit for him of breaking large words down by syllable, and it wasn’t long before he didn’t want my finger there and started decoding large words on his own.