I have read how CM used poems to teach sight words. I love this idea. I was wondering if I should use various poems throughout 1st grade to teach sight words. I am little confused how long to do this and if there are certain words they need to know by sight. Could some of you tell me how you taught sight words and for how long. Thanks, Amy
Here is Luca learning to read using a poem and Charlotte Mason’s methods. As Charlotte said, it takes longer to explain it than the actual lessons take.
Do you have CM’s writings? The answers to your specific questions are pp. 204-206 in Vol. I of Home Education. If you don’t I’ll post more.
Richele – that was an AWESOME post on your blog. One quick question – how sturdy are the letters you bought from the Montessori Outlet? I love the look but have 4 boys who are mostly careful, but sometimes not.
Richele, he is already reading at a basic level. I had read a post on here about someone using the same technique that CM used to teach reading to also teach them sight words. So basically what I understood from it was that you continue this style of teaching for a bit until they have words that they know by sight. Am I way off here? At what point do you stop doing these lessons and just read with them? I am hope this is making sense. If not I will try to clarify more.
Amy, tell me if I understand correctly: Your son is reading at a basic level but you want to increase the number of words he is able to read at sight.
My understand of CM’s methods would be to read a poem clearly, slowly and sweetly; pointing to each word as you read it. Then point to the words out of order and have your son read it with clear pronunciation. When he can do all those words out of order, let him read the lines of the poem back in a beautiful way. In another lesson you can then ask if he can spell the word “…”, always being sure in these lessons to have their attention, careful pronunciation, and if recitation is given it should not be done in monotone.
This should ensure 2-3,000 words in a year according to CM.
Let me know if I’m on track with you.
I have the smallest sized set of letters and am happy with the quality. I keep them on my shelf and they only come out for reading lessons though. They are quite revered by Luca and I do let them have about 10 minutes after the lesson for making dinosaurs and such on the floor. They wouldn’t break with normal use but they certainly wouldn’t withstand the Blendtec 😉