Help with Kindle please

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  • alice

    Does anyone know how I can get a book from Gutenberg to a kindle??  So far all I’ve been able to do is get it on my computer and I have no idea how to put it on a kindle.  Any help is appreciated!!


    You have 2 choices….

    You got a USB cable with the Kindle (the part that plugs into a power outlet comes off to expose the USB connector…)

    Connect the USB cable to the Kindle and computer.  Your Kindle should know show up as another drive… move the books you want on it into the “Documents” folder of the Kindle.  


    assuming you have a working wireless or 3G connection, you can email your Kindle.  In the Kindle settings (on Amazon) you need to tell it your main email is safe.  send it to [your kindle name] assuming you have a wireless internet connection in your house…   you can send it without the “free” in it if you don’t for it to deliever it via 3G – but it costs money that way.

    There is a 3rd option for project gutenberg…

    You can use their mobile site through the Kindles experimental browser   then if you click on a Kindle format book link on the site through the Kindle, it will download it straight to the Kindle.


    btw – there is a handbook for the Kindle on your Kindle that talks about moving documents to the Kindle, and also the experimental browser.



    Thank you!  I figured out the email option.

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