I have a 6 yo and a 9 yo and this coming fall will be our first attempt at history. Starting with American History, rather than creation, is what is appealing to me. I’m concerned, though, that my 9 yo will not have enough time to go through both cycles. So my questions are:
Are there others out there who began their history studies with American history?
Should I be concerned or how should I plan for future years knowing that she will not cycle through twice?
I don’t know what you are using, but on the Truthquest site, they give you help with choosing for the different amt. of years you will be using the product. Here it is broken down at the top of the page.
If you are praying and feel you are being led to begin with American history, then really, don’t worry about the “rotations” There is nothing magical about them–they are a convenience tool. Your child will not be permanently warped if he did not go through two complete “rotations” One thing Charlotte said was that it is more useful to really spend time in a period or with a historical personage than it is to try to “cover” everything.
There are a lot of very good books for younger children on American history. I started my oldest children with American history, but because of where we are as a family, my youngest is in ancient history, ready to cover Greece and Rome this next year–and boy, am I having a hard time finding really excellent books! He’s not yet ready for Guerber’s histories of Greece and Rome, and most everything else is silly little generic “life and clothes and food in Ancient Rome” Not that those books don’t have a place, but I didn’t want them to be my core curriculum! LOL
You may not perfectly “cycle” through if you begin with American. But if that is where the Lord is leading you, then it’s OK! Your children will get what they need. Perhaps they don’t need two perfectly finished rotations. Perhaps when you revisit American history later, you’ll be led to spend less time, or focus on the development of the government, or something else. Or perhaps you will decide to “compress” some of the later years to make it work for you. The beauty of the flexible book lists for each age group here is that it really does not matter what year a child is in, say, Middle Ages–there are great books for younger kids, middle kids, older kids.
What does your husband think of the difficulty? I know when I talked to mine, all those years ago when we were getting started, that he really wanted us to begin on American history.
I have a 6 & 7 year old and we started with American History but also read through Child’s History of the World at the same time. The absolutely LOVED American History and I am amazed at how much they have retained. We are in the final week of our school year and the youngest was flipping through her History notebook (we do notebooking) telling me page by page what her favorite memories were. It was absolutely delightful! We live in the south and hope to go visit some historic sites this summer because of their enthusiasm. They are anticipating July 4th as much as their own birthday’s! They want a birthday cake and party for America. Benjamin Franklin will be our guest of honor…ha! (Curious to see how that pans out…)
I, too, was concerned about getting everything in twice, but I can see the buds of that “thirst for knowledge” already forming. I may not get all in that I want to, but they’ll continue on their own throughout life. Even now, we have to make trips to the library or skim the internet for something that has caught their attention.
We’ll never be able to teach them all we could, so we just lay out the spread in the most appetizing way we can, and they’ll soon learn how to prepare their own feast!
Thank you all, so much, for replying! Reading all of the posts has sparked another question…I’ll try to make sense. If younger children are coming into history studies according to where the oldest sibling is, how do you make sure that the younger ones are meeting the high school requirements? For example, if my 6 yo follows along w/ the history studies of my 9 you, then he will not be taking American history his last 3 years of school. I’m wondering if you just study out of chronological order at that point or do you double up on time periods? I know that I’m not close to high school years, but it seems wise to plan accordingly, whether it works out or not.
You may find that your American History course in high school will take the form of Government or some area of interest, like presidents, wars, etc., because by that time, they will have a desire to branch out on their own.
As for creation, we try to teach it in some fashion every year. We’ve used D is for Dinosaur, Adam’s Kin, It Couldn’t Just Happen, Masters Books; exact titles are escaping me at the moment but the list goes on and on. The reason we feel strongly about this is because the enemy feels strongly about this also and we want to build our children up continually with the truth.
If you were doing History in four year cycles like SOTW then you would combine CM Module 1&2 for SOTW 1, and CM Module 3&4 for SOTW 2, then Module 5 for SOTW 3, and Module 6 for SOTW 4. There are many ways to teach history so you can’t really go wrong as long as you eventually teach the entire cycle at least once.
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