help with high school math credits

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  • My DD is in 9th grade this year in all her work except math.  She is behind alot!  We switched her curriculum several times to try to get the right fit.  Because of that, she fell behind.  It’s not that she doesn’t understand it, she just hasn’t been able to through everything she needs to before she takes pre-algebra.  My question (finally) is, should the work she is doing this year count toward the 3 math credits she needs to graduate?  The laws in my state (IL) say that she has to have Algebra I and something that includes geometry.  She will not be taking prealgebra until 10th grade.  I would assume when the state laws states “Algebra I” for 1 of the 3 credits, they would want the other math credits to be Algebra II and so on?  At the rate we are going now, we will not have enough time in the four years.  Should we double or triple her work everyday?

    I would love to hear any advice and ideas.  I have learned so much on this forum!



    Karen Smith

    I’m guessing that you found information for high school credit requirements for the public schools. The good news for you is that you don’t have to meet those requirements! Homeschools are considered private schools by Illinois law and are allowed to set their own requirements for graduation as long as they are teaching the same branches of education as are taught in the public schools. The Illinois Christian Home Educators ( Web site states: “There is room for discussion about what the traditional “branches of education” include, but they are generally accepted as: Language Arts, Biological and Physical Sciences, Math, History and Social Sciences (including both U.S. and Illinois Constitutions), Fine Arts, Health and Physical Development.  If you are teaching the branches of education taught to children of similar age and grade as public schools, then you are complying with the laws of Illinois concerning education.”

    So, legally, you get to choose what math counts towards your daughter’s math credits. You can count what she is doing now if you want to. The only reason I can think of why you might not want to count it is if she is thinking about going to college. Colleges are going to look for a certain level of math to be completed.


    If you do decide that you need to get thru more math than you think you will at this point, you can speed her up without doubling up fairly easily. If you do math almost year around, then she should not need the review provided at the beginning of each math book. You may be able to skip quite a few of the first lessons or just pick a few problems from each of the beginning ones to hit areas that she needs a bit of a reinforcement and move quickly that way.

    Just another thought : ).



    I agree with Karen–if your child is not college-bound, then ignore the “official” requirements–you don’t need them.  But if the child is college bound, then you are most likely going to need at least algebra, geometry, and probably Algebra II as well.  If your child is not prepared in those areas at the end of high school, you’ll have to consider either taking additional time to teach them, or having your child begin in a community college where they can receive math help to get ready for regular college admission.  I myself entered college without Algebra II–but I sure wish I hadn’t.  🙁 I don’t know that I’d try to double-up unless your child is extremely gifted in math.  IMO there is just stuff in algebra, geometry, and algebra II that takes time to process.  It does no good to “speed through” if the skills are not learned.

    She hasn’t decided if she is going to college or not.  We definately feel the pressure to have her go though.  I wish society wouldn’t put so much emphasis on it.  That’s another discussion in itself.    

    Thank you so much for your replies.  I don’t feel as anxious as I did yesterday .Smile 


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