Help with designing curriculum…

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  • My daughter is 8 finishing up 2nd grade public school. Once thats done, we are going to begin slowly with the homeschooling. I need help and suggestions.

    Art: we are going to start with Monet. I was just thinking of studying him once a week for 6 weeks. Reading about him, studying pictures and attempting his art style. Is that enough? Any suggestions?

    Music: Bach…Listening to and reading about his music once a week?

    Hymn: Learning 1 new hymn from module 1 a week and reciting as well as copying it down.

    Bible: Daily reading through it but I’m to sure how much we should be reading a day. And we aren’t sure what else to do with it. Copywork? Narrate? Notebook? We are starting with Genesis

    Scripture Memory System: Starting with Module 1 and reviewing it every day.

    Geography: Module 1…I have Uncommon Traveler and Material World and Uncle Josh’s Outline map book. I’m not really sure what to do with them. But I did buy that book Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt. Will that help me map out my history and geography and bible study all together? Cuz I’m still overwhelmed by that.

    History: Module 1…I have Boy of the Pyramids, True Story of Noah’s Ark, Croco’Nile, and Seeker of knowledge. I still have to find the other 2 Egypt ones. But other than read them I really don’t know what to do with them to help it all fall into place.

    Grammar: Eng 4 the thoughtful child. I just figure each lesson can be completed as we go. Pretty self explanatory. But I’m not sure if I should do one grammar lesson a week or every day? Or repeat the grammar lesson through out the week?

    Literature: We are reading the Chronicles of Narnia Series and that’s all we are doing with it other than maybe watch the movies that match after the book is read.

    Math: Using Math U see Beta and working on it everyday cuz Math is a struggle for my daughter

    Nature/Science: 106 Days of Creation…Still trying to find the books at the library or Amazon etc.

    Poetry: Reading A Child’s Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson through out the week and doing copywork and notebooking our favorites. But I’m not sure if there should be more done with it?

    Shakespeare: Reading Midsummer Nights Dream and studying Shakespeare himself

    This is what I have. Please tell me if I should add more or take away, and I’d really like to know about how often its practical to work on certain subjects vs. other ones. And how long is it supposed to take to get through a module? A year? A month?


    For the bible readings, we follow pennygardner’s schedule for

    Old Testament

    New Testament

    With following Gen-Deut & Anc Egypt curriculum you’ll have a daily OT reading on a 4 day per week schedule, so you may not need to read outside of history. The bible is the history spine that year. Yes, when you get your handbook you’ll see how the lessons are already layed out for you for a 4 day schedule per week and what you’ll read each day: a few pages or a chapter. With CM you read a little bit at a time to be able to better understand and remember what you read.

    Click here for a look in to what the lesson plans will look like.

    A module is for one year. The Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education book clearly explains how to divide your lessons up for the year. It helped me tremendously.

    For poetry in addition to reading it daily and copywriting, your child can recite a poem he enjoys (just do this every once in awhile not weekly). On ambleside’s website they lay out what Charlotte Mason expected a child to know by at 6 and then age 12 and she says how many poems they should know, etc.

    For art and music your plan sounds fine. The idea is to enjoy the arts and feast on them. You really only need to study one artist otherwise just know the name of the artist and pics and enjoy them. Same for music.

    My oldest daughter is only 6 so cannot give imput on the English grammar lessons yet.

    For nature make sure to allow 30 min a week to simply observe nature and notebook what you find and sketch a few sketches per term…


    Tara you are always so helpful!!! Thank you so much!

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