Help with daughters speech problems

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  • Laura.bora

    My 5 year old daughter has a lot of trouble speaking.  Well, with prononciation….she has the speaking part down pat Wink.  We (my husband and I) really do not feel led to have outside help, but know that something needs to happen to help her with her speech.  She has a very hard time with “r” sounds, blends sounds like “th”, “sh”, “sp” etc.  Have any of you had children with speech problems?  Are there any resources, tips, or something of the sort to help her?  It is not hearing related, simply her tongue just doesn’t want to work right!  I think part of it may be her brain goes faster than her mouth can function.  We work with her a little everyday on saying words slowly and correctly, and it has helped, but it is still very hard for people (and sometimes us) to understand her.




    I have used a program off and on for years that is basically a home based speech program that would probaby work for you. Here is a link for you: The cost is very reasonable too. Hope this helps and God bless!

    A simple book that has advice along with fun games for speech improvement is Super Star Speech. You can see it on Amazon.



    We used spach ways and it has changed our 2nd daughter life.  She can talk so well now.    Here is the link 

    Richele Baburina

    Hi Laura,

    Just one more perspective:

    When one of our sons was younger he sounded the way you describe your daughter.  I was concerned and spoke with a well-known speech-language pathologist/author at a conference and told her of his problems.  She said that at five years of age  she is not concerned with sounds like l, s, r, v, z, ch, sh, th if they are saying the other sounds correctly and otherwise has no problems communicating with others.

    Sure enough, he grew out of it.  We kept trying to make him slow down and repeat words correctly but, oddly enough, it was only when he heard another child talk like he did that he made a concerted effort.  Now at 6 1/2 you would never know he had such problems with those sounds.

    HTH some.



    I do agree that if the main problem is pronounciation of certain “harder” sounds, that you probably don’t need to worry too much at this point.  My son saw a speach therapist, and they have a chart showing the range in age that children master various sounds… and some the normal range can be as old as 7 or 8! 

    It can be frustrating though!  My son was always on the “low side of normal” for speach – which meant he didn’t need any help, but was hard to understand.  My daughter was 2 years younger, and on the gifted side for speach (was making sounds long before the chart said was normal…  was talking in full sentances very young, etc…) and people could understand her much better than her older brother.

    I’d try to see if you can find the chart somewhere, to give you a better idea if there is really a problem or not…  and otherwise, just work at things as best you can…

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