Help with changing for high school!!!

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  • Jackie Betancourt

    Hello precious families, 

    I joined this group after discovering SCM several months ago and was so excited to have found this invaluable resource and encouragement! I ordered the History Module 3 (Matthew) and was ready to go with our 4th, 7th, and 9th grade children. After only using it a few weeks, I became disillusioned with it and was worried that it wouldn’t be enough for our high schooler. Needless (and painful) to say, we moved onto another History curriculum that I thought would be better suited for us. Well, here I am again at a crossroads, because it is NOT working! It was actually more Classical than I thought, and is overwhelming my younger children. My high school daughter is fine either way, but I feel as if I’m simply force-feeding her information to hurry up and be done with it. Is it too late to come back to SCM? We did stay with Visits to Europe, which we absolutely love! I had wanted to do U.S./American History either next fall or the following year, since it is required in our state of TN. If we can come back to SCM, where would be the best place to begin? We did the Mystery of History I and II so far, and just began volume III this month. Should I just wait to begin SCM in the fall, or can we switch this semester? We are using literature guides from Bright Ideas Press, which we will most likely stick with since she’s already in the midst of that. We are also going to begin using the new Life of Fred Language Arts series that is debuting next month. 

    Thank you for listening and for dealing with my indecisiveness. I only want to do what helps our children love to learn, and this isn’t it! God bless!

    Blessings, Jackie Embarassed


    By all means, come back!  You can even start with it again on Monday.  Or take some time to plan.  I think many of the high school ladies just add a few more books to the Module.  And have some written narrations/longer research papers.  I’m sure there will be plenty of people who chime in with more experience.  I’m planning our first year of high school for next year.

    I will say that there have been several times when I’ve freaked out that CM is not enough.  Or that the SCM modules aren’t enough.  I’ve learned though that they are enough.  They do learn and they enjoy it and they remember it.  Will you cover every wonderful book available during that year of study?  No.  But that’s okay, because the books you do use are fantastic and the kids will remember them.  Trust the method.  Give it time.  Depending on the child you can add a bit more here and there, but for some, the module will be enough.

    I often chant to myself “Even public schoolers have gaps.”


    What she said!

    yes come back! And I think everyone feels at times that it isn’t enough, but my kids remember things from the books we readthat i am so surprised with. And no we will never be able to cover everything but neither does public or private schools.

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