Help! with book substitutions, history module 5

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Living Books Help! with book substitutions, history module 5

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  • Sue

    Hi, everyone!  I’m new to the discussion forum, so please bear with me.  I have homeschooled for several years, but this is our first year completely using CM methods.  We will be using history module 5, and I am looking for suggestions of substitutes for a few of the books in the SCM curriculum guide that are not available at the local libraries we frequent.  I am hoping to find them at a library sale or used bookstore, but just in case, I’m asking for substitution help.

    Can anyone recommend substitute titles for:

    Along Came Galileo by Jeanne Bendick;     Johannes Kepler: Giant of Faith and Science by John Hudson Tiner;     Early Thunder by Jean Fritz;     Toliver’s Secret by Esther Wood Brady;     George Washington’s World by Genevieve Foster;     Francis Scott Key: God’s Courageous Composer by David Collins;     The Landing of the Pilgrims by James Daugherty;     The Ocean of Truth: The Story of Sir Isaac Newton by Joyce McPherson;     Daniel Boone: His Own Story by Daniel Boone.

    The first six listed will be used by my DD (9) and my DS (11 – has mild autism, but loves history).  The last three listed will be used by my DD (12).  Thanks for any and all suggestions you can make!




    I don’t have any substitutes but have you tried the interlibrary loan service? You can get books from just about anywhere. It cuts into your reading time because they are typically due earlier, but it’s a start.

    Richele Baburina

    Hi Sue,

    My guys liked Galileo’s Leaning Tower Experiment by Wendy Macdonald and George Washington’s Breakfast by Jean Fritz but I do’t know if those seem to young to you.  You may want to explain the term “living books” to your librarian and ask her for substitution suggestions.  My librarian and the volunteers seem to absolutely love helping in this way!



    Sonya Shafer

    You may be able to read Daniel Boone: His Own Story online at Google books. It says it gives just an overview, but when I skimmed the pages, it looked like they were all there. I just didn’t see a link to download it.


    Galileo:  Galileo by Leonard Everett Fisher;  Starry Messenger by Peter Sis;  Galileo and the Universe by Steve Parker;  Galiloe Galilei:  Space Pioneer by Arthur Gregor;  Truth on Trial by Vicki Cobb

    Kepler:  Harmonious World of Johann Kepler by Sidney Rosen (may be a bit old);  Quest of Johannes Kepler by Barbara Land;

    Newton:  Quest of Isaac Newton by Barbara Land;  Isaac Newton by Harry Sootin;  Isaac Newton by John Tiner

    Key:  Broad Stripes and Bright Stars by Marion Brown; 

    Daniel Boone and pilgrims:  There should be lots at your library.  Maybe this will get you started on the others. 



    Thank you all so much for your suggestions.  The Daniel Boone book at Google Books does appear to be complete, and my 12yo will actually enjoy sitting with a laptop, having “private time” in her room to read it.  One of the two nearby suburban libraries that we frequent does utilize interlibrary loan, so I will have to see what’s available through that.

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