Help, with 7 th grader's reading level

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  • I have a 13 year old son and his reading is of a 4 th grade level. What can I do to help him excel in reading?




    Time, patience w/ encouragement, and practice. 

    My older sons are not strong readers.  One due to LD’s but the other due to learning to be lazy in 2nd at the ps (also being told he’s “behind,” which was so not true) and then not doing a lot of it here at home.  They do see me read ALLLL the time, though, but dh does not.  Anyway.

    2nd ds went to the ps again in 7th, learned nothing and read garbage.  He was home after that and I wanted to prepare him for HS and what I wanted to do.  So, I had him read quite a bit.  I think that’s about the same point you’re facing.  I didn’t worry about it being “below” “grade level” as much as it being good literature.  I wish I had added in a book or two at times that was a bit of a challenge, but that’s OK.  I noticed much improvement w/ him.  He’s also picked up a couple of books recently that even I was challenged by.  He’s reading that for his choice time now – about 1.5 yrs later.  I’m not saying all his choices are that way, but it shows great improvement on his part.  Maturity is also a help. 

    So, find some things of interest, have him help pick topics out, or even pick the books themselves.  Start w/ books in the 4-6th gr range, some 4th and some 6th.  Find one or two in the 7-9th range (closer to 7th) that would be topics of highest interest and have him pick just one.  Then, let him read a few more in the 4-6 range.  Basically, your having him slowly work toward the goal but the focus is on reading and learning.  You don’t want to push too far too fast and kill any interest.  Of course, depending on the dc, you might have to “help” him along the path.  Wink   It’s a balancing act.  Take it one step at a time.



    Kerby ,

    This is what I needed to “hear”! Right now he is reading The Golden Goblet and really enjoying it. He has requested to read about a chapter a day now. At the beginging of the school year , he could barely read it. DH is a bible student and right now I work part time , when I come home from work , DS has a list of words that he does not know how to sound out or does not know what they mean. I was thinking about having him look up the words and teaching him what they mean and how to pronounce them. We are very new to CM. The curriculum we were usi g was CM light. I am greatful that they introduced me to CM. That being said , I see how wide is gaps are. Do you think that I should spend time on just oral narrations this year and do oral and written narrTions next school hear ? Or , should I have him do oral and written narrations in our 3rd term ?

    thank you,


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