help w/grammar!!

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  • petitemom

    I did consider Analytical Grammar on and off, the off being mostly because of the price.

    Once you purchase it can you use it for other kids?

    Is it hard to teach? A friend of mine told me that at one point it started to get pretty hard even for her to understand.

    I am no grammar geek here! English is not even my first language so it scares me a little.

    Also is it really teacher intensive? I have 4 kids to teach, don’t know how much time I can realistically spend on grammar w/2 kids (I think I want to start my 5th grader on whatever I decide to go with as well).

    I have been running around in a circle a lot w/grammar, sort of driving me nuts!

    Sara thanks for the suggestions, I’ll look it up!


    Well, we are only on unit 5, but so far, so good! It has seemed very clear to me thus far, and if I ever run into a struggle, I would email the author. I met her at our state convention and she was very helpful to me. Of course, there is the companion DVD set for @ $40 available, too. We don’t own it. The teacher’s guide can, of course, be used again. The student book is consumable. My dd has worked “fairly” independently. One thing I appreciate is that there is plenty of practice sentences for them to work on mastering the unit’s concept. I also have a fourth grader, but we are holding off on formal (more intensive) grammar instruction (we use Intermediate Language Lessons, and she also learns grammar indirectly through Spelling Wisdom). I haven’t looked into Junior Analytical Grammar, but I believe SCM recommends it in their curriculum guide, so perhaps others here use it? HTH!

    Rachel White

    petitemom, I believe it’s much easier to choose curriculum’s (or know how to tweak what you already have) once you know how your child absorbs information; simultaneously presenting info. with their dominant style while also strengthening their weaker ones(a vital part, the weak ones must be strengthened, not ignored).

    Basically there are three:




    I’d highly recommend you read The Way They Learn by Cynthia Tobias (the used ones are cheap or check you library). It’s a short read.

    Knowing this may help your discernment and cut through the clutter of curriculums and approaches. If I didn’t know how my two learn, I’d feel quite in the dark and probably would waste a lot of time and money looking at and trying different things which would be doomed not to work in the long-run and also be unable to tweak what I already have.


    thanks Rachel!

    Just sent a request at my library!

    I know my second child is definitely auditory but can’t figure out my first child.

    He just seems to take longer to learn things no matter what we do. Very much like me! We both take forever to memorize scriptures when my second child has them down after 2-3 times!

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