After reading my Charlotte Mason Companion I really want to implement this with my kiddos. I just feel a bit overwhelmed. I have a 7th, 4th and 2nd grader plus a toddler. I am a bit unsure how to make the transition with them-esp my oldest. His foundation has been very hodgepodge as I have been trying to find what works and doesn’t.
Has anyone else out there found her later rather than sooner in their home education journey. What should my expectations be for my oldest? Can we back track a bit to help him get writing more-aaggh-feeling a bit of panic.
We are just not enjoying what we are doing-it is our best ‘academic’ year to date but it is dull…..We are half way through our year come Friday and I want it to be more than it is…
I’m thinking that if your 7th grader isn’t yet used to verbally narrating, then you might focus on that and back off the writing for a little bit. Once he gets proficient at oral narration, it should be an easy step to writing down his thoughts.
Hi, I agree with Sonya regarding narration. That is so key. As I learn more and we tweak our lifestyle, I have found that the easiest areas to start are ones in which I was not doing anything to begin with. For instance we were not doing map drills, so I just added it to our day (my senior, with a grin, made the observation that, “I suppose I’m involved with this as well”). We’ve not done much with artists and composers and so I am slowly adding them in. We’re still in the listening and looking stage and I look forward to adding in more info as we go.
It’s hard on us moms and the children when we take our whole schedule and curriculum and totally revamp it. I think even a year of transition is not to be unexpected. You want to know why you are doing what you are doing and that takes time for prayer and study.
You are at a great stage to begin to implement some of Charlotte Mason’s ideas. And the families that own this site are wonderul to learn from! I have found that it gets a little more difficult to implement/change things in high school when graduation is forefront in the child’s mind; not a liberal education! 🙂
Hi….I just wanted to say that we were late CM starters too! My son didn’t start until 7th grade either. The easiest way I found to make the transition from whatever methods you may have been using before is to just start by reading good “WHOLE” living books for just about every subject! We started out by just reading alot out loud from living science books, history, biographies about composers or artists, literature of all kinds, and then we took off from there with narration, and added in poetry a little later, copywork, etc…The library is our favorite hang out!! So, yes it can be done, and NO it’s not too late! I tried to incorporate unit studies last year some too, BUT it didn’t work out too well with my son, but it did with my now 2nd grade daughter!(we have five altogether, but the youngest are 5, 4, and 3) She loved studying a particular subject for a period of time and keeping a notebook filled with all the info. she was learning on that particular subject…but this year we have simply kept one large binder with geography, poetry, art appreciation, music appreciation, written narration, math, grammar etc…..and cover various subjects and do nature journaling as well. CM is great with big families! GOOD LUCK!!:)