HELP! Reading Curriculum Selection Questions

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  • KoToSaMom

    I am trying to select reading books for my daughter. She is going into the “first” grade, but I think the materials listed in the Curriculum Guide may be too easy for her. She did go to Kindergarten last year. She reads fairly well, so I was wondering if I should start her on the second grade materials instead of the first grade materials.

    On the other hand,iIf my daughter is already reading well, do I really need to continue a formal reading program with her? She reads everything she can get her hands on, & there is so much reading in the other subjects & narration that it seems to me she’ll be getting plenty of reading & comprehension practice anyway. We regularly get books from the library & she reads to me almost everyday. I always make her sound things out, & she definitely has the mechanics down. Is there anything else she could gain from a formal reading program that she couldn’t get from daily reading practice in all the other subjects?


    Being the mother of a voracious reader myself I would have to say that learning to read and comprehend what is read is the primary objective of a reading program.  Its sounds as if your dd is already doing that.  I too agree that the books suggested for my dd12 level are MUCH too easy, as a matter of fact she has already read many of the books on the high school list.  The most important thing, IMHO, is to direct her reading so that she only spends time with well-written meaningful books.  At her age there is a lot of twaddle available so be mindful of what she is reading.  On the CM bookfinder, you will find lots of wonderful books that are twaddle free and would be good reads for her.   Most of them can be obtained from the library too.


    Thanks so much! That helps me concerning which direction I need to go.

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