Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math HELP! Please!! ATTN. MOTL USERS


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    I started another post awhile back before I got my MOTL books. I decided to start another post in case no on looked back at the other one. I am completely overwhelmed. I really have no idea what to do to get started. I don’t even know specific questions to ask because there is just so much information that I feel lost. I don’t think I will want to do their record-keeping system. I know there are others who use a card system or other methods. I’d love to hear details about how you do that and really just how to begin! I’m still reading over stuff and this is a stressful time of year anyway so maybe that is why I’m so blinded by all the info. If any other MOTL users can give me a clue where to start I’d so appreciate it! Thanks!!!


    I missed the original post. But, I’m also unfamiliar with these initials. Maybe others are unsure, too?

    At least hoping to bump this to the top for you in case someone else might help.




    Thank you for the bump!


    May I ask what MOTL stands for?


    Sorry, it’s Math on the Level.


    Oh! I’m sorry, I have no experience with that math program. Wish I could help out.



    I know there are others with more experience than I have that will be able to give you more information, but since you have been waiting for a reply, I’ll throw in what I can.

    I started using MOTL by looking at the “Concept Chart” which is found at the beginning of the manual.  I just went down the list, looked up each skill (the page numbers are given so it’s easy) to make sure I know what each was about, and then determined whether my DD knew the skill. 

    Some of the skills I already knew that my DD understood them, so I just checked them off.  Some of the others I gave her a couple of sample questions to figure out what she knew.  There are four strands, so I looked at all of them.  Then, I picked 2 or 3 skills in each strand that DD wasn’t solid on yet.  I wrote these on a looseleaf page, picked one, and started teaching it.

    Many of the first skills are not ones that need 5-a-days.  They are concepts that will be just used in life and other math lessons (recognizing and writing numbers, for example).  If your children are old enough to be further along in the list, then you can start creating 5-a-days for the skills that they already know, to keep them in constant review.  I just listed these on another piece of paper and started going down the list, 5 at a time, and did 5-a-days.  I didn’t worry at first about how often each skill needed to be reviewed.  Once you get going, you can refine the system and eventually use the record keeping from the manual or the spreadsheet or another method.  I just wanted to get into the habit.

    The next place to look is the appendix for the “Suggested Teaching Sequence” which gives a possible sequence to follow as you get started.  This is only one possibility, and you should adapt it as you go for your own children’s needs, but it gives an idea of how you can progress through the program.

    Also, I planned a specific day to do some ‘math adventures’ since I knew that if I didn’t plan it, I wouldn’t do it.

    We actually haven’t been using MOTL exclusively for the past few months.  We use Life of Fred as well.  So I don’t use the record keeping and the 5-a-days right now (my kids are only 7 and 5, so we are doing more just oral math, living math books, Life of Fred, games, IXL, etc.)  Once my children are to the point of doing more paper and pencil math, I intend to use MOTL to keep us on track and make sure we address all the different concepts and don’t miss anything.  The overall concept is great, but we are also enjoying lot of other sources of learning along the path.

    Anyway, even though we are not using MOTL completely, hopefully this will give you a starting point and help you start learning how it all works.

    Also, have you checked out the MOTL yahoo group?  The archived posts are a wealth of information, and everyone is very willing to help.



    You ladies are so common sense and can do!  Now I’m inspired to pull this back off the shelf and start it with my younger set!  I had been contemplating.


    Thank you for all the helpful responses. I think once I just make myself sit down and strategically go through the Concepts chart, maybe I will get it figured out. I’m just not sure of how I will want to do my record-keeping. I don’t really get how to use theirs exactly. It seems pretty overwhelming but I’m determined to get it figured out. Thanks again.

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