I’m relatively new to CM and am doing the 0.5 year with my 5 year old. From what I understand, at this age, most of her day consists of being read to from various books and outside time. We do outside time as much as possible (weather permitting and the fact that I am almost 8 months pregnant..so walking can be tough at times); but when it comes to reading, its almost always a fight. She won’t sit still even for 1 page and gives an almost immediate “glazed over look”. I try and let her choose the books and vary the way I read them, but I’m not getting through. Do I need to switch to a less reading-heavy curriculum until she learns to read by herself??
At 5yo, I think you can ditch “school books” and “literature” and just read the fun stuff. Start short. Picture books – and if you have to, use a post-it to hold your place and finish it at the next reading.
You could also start reading to her while she’s eating. This means you have to eat either earlier or later than she eats. But, she’s a captive audience! And just use a post-it to mark you place.
Another idea is to use audio books. OR books that come with CDs – Curious George and Virginia Lee Burton’s books.
The main thing is that you want reading and listening to be fun. So if that means stopping AO (5yo is young for any actual curriculum), do it. If that means only reading picture books, do it. (I’m assuming you’ll be reading “living” picture books – not SpongeBob *L*)
Are you giving her things to do with her hands while you are reading to her? I always let me little ones color, play with queit toys, etc while I read. They really are listening even while doing other things.
All I read are living books and picture books. My 2 year old is captivated and will sit through the whole story, but not my 5 yo.
I have also tried letting her color or play with play doh while I read, but she wants to interrupt and show me what she drew or made constantly, I’m sure it’s normal at this age, but it drives me nutty lol. When I say “curriculum”, I mean the CM Early Years plan with letter recognition thrown in because she already knows them.
You may have a child who struggles to learn auditorily.That doesn’t mean you stop reading aloud, but it may mean you have to approach it differently. Finding out how she does learn and process information the best would be the place to start on how to introduce reading aloud. I really liked the book The Way They Learn by Cynthia Tobias to help me figure it out with my kids.