Help me with this idea? Giant cloth map of Israel

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Help me with this idea? Giant cloth map of Israel

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  • kimofthesavages

    I want to admit that I do not know very much about the history of Israel starting with the book of Judges. I am just today realizing this and begining to read up and study on it so that I can know enough to teach it to my kids. We are doing the Ancient Greece/Joshua-Mal study. Ok, so for my children, I think it would help them (and me) to be able to look at the ancient map of Israel while we learn about who conquered who and where certain things happened. I would like to get a couple  yards of fabric and maybe use fabric markers to draw a map that will cover our dining table. I’m not sure how to do it right though… can anyone point me to a book or website image or something so that I will get the appropriate map drawn out for that era? I wish this was already done somewhere and I could just order it! I didn’t see one during my quick search. Any tips, thoughts, experience on this would be really appreciated!

    Sonya Shafer

    Could you use the Then and Now Bible Maps as a base? 


    I don’t have any ideas, but I love the idea of making a fabric map to put on a table. I really like this idea and think my kids would too. Good luck with your project.

    Well this is not exactly what you were talking about but it might give you some ideas.


    You could find a printable map online or a book would even work (scan and save) and then just blow it up. Here is how


    Sonya, I have the Rose book of Bible maps instead of the Then and Now. I’m not sure if I need more than just what that page in our mapbook shows or if we need some of the surrounding countries too maybe? What do you suggest? (had to edit this post…it was pre-coffee and I don’t know what I was rambling about!)


    Thehauserfamily, that second link was very helpful, thank you. I was wondering if my printer could do something like that and it looks like it could. I may decide to just print out one and tape it all together.


    I just wanted to share that I found an incredible book to help me with this project as well as understand the old testament better. It is titled “Sacred History and Geography” by DeWelt and it was written in the 50’s and is a textbook in a way but amazingly is very CM! He does mapdrills just like SCM. :o) I found this book in our seminary library and am going to purchase a copy to have. I’m going to use this with the kids too. He has simple map sketches, dozens and dozens, with easy markings to show where everything is, who was where, the paths taken, etc. And I think what I want to do is buy a table cloth (kind of “duh” of me…occured to me a little while ago) to draw the map on. I can pencil sketch it and then use fabric markers. Now to break the news to hubby that I want to spend some money. Money mouth


    I like your idea!  I may do this with my younger children for the U.S.  I think I will buy a large piece of fabric (maybe an old table cloth at good will) and then blow up a map of the us and cut it out of another fabric, fuse it on and stitch around it.  The cut each state out of felt, so the we can put it together like a puzzle.  I may even cut some other things out (mini statue of liberty, mountains, etc) so that we can learn other landmarks too!  Then at dinner time we can just put the felt pieces in a ziploc and eat on our table cloth!

    Thanks for the spark of inspiration!

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