Help me with the iodine/potato experiment in Apologia General Science?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Help me with the iodine/potato experiment in Apologia General Science?

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  • kimofthesavages

    Ok, I have almost all the things we will need for next school year’s science experiments *except* for this iodine that is needed for the potato/starch experiment. I figure it needs pure iodine and not the mixture that most stores sell but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Walmart had colorless “Tincture of Iodide” (Iodide, not Iodine) which I bought, not noticing the small difference in the word) and tried it on a potato and it didn’t cause any visible reaction. I don’t want to waste any more money on something that won’t work so can anyone tell me what they used to do this experiment? Thanks in advance. 🙂


    No, iodide won’t work.  You’ll find out why when you hit chemistry–different molecule.  You need IODINE and Walmart does sell it–I have a bottle of theirs, actually, on my shelf.  What you want will be in the health-care section, probably near the bandaids and disinfectants.  You want povidone-iodine solution, 10%.  This will give you a nice reaction.  It is inexpensive.  It is nasty and dark and smelly (my mom used to doctor all our owies with it)   You’ll use it again later if you continue into chemistry.  Hope this helps! 


    Yes, that helps VERY much! Thanks!

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