Okay, I’m beginning to get interested in having one of these. I really like paper books, but we are tight on space and I refuse to have more of anything than we have room for. It gives me stress.
Here is what I want:
Just something to read books on. One that is well organized and easy to find the titles I am looking for once they are downloaded. I want e-ink, not backlit. I don’t need it for internet browsing or anything else. I don’t really care about the store it connects to, because I want mostly free online books anyways. I want it to hold a lot of books because I am lazy and not interested in taking them off and putting them on again.
It would be nice if pdfs read well, but not necessary. I know they can be reformatted.
I think the Kindle fits all your requirements quite well. I have hundreds of free books on mine from various sources. I do like the 3G version because I can access the internet (which I know that you don’t care about) – but I use it to check my google calendar when I’m making an appointment, have used it to find a place with mapquest, and I do check my email. And one day when our internet was down, I used it to access the SCM Organizer to mark off what we had done. But if you are sure you don’t want internet, you can get the WiFi only version cheeper.
It is eInk, reads pdf’s well, fits anywhere you can put a paperback (ie, fits in many purses), and does hold lots of books.) It isn’t touch screen so I don’t have to worry about when my kids point to words etc on it.
I’m sure there are other eReaders what fit your requirements – but it fit mine.
One thing to be aware of – at the moment, you can’t borrow books from eLibraries. (my local library has an eLibrary.) But apparently that will be changing very soon….
I love my Nook! It is great. Small, portable, e-Ink, holds lots and lots of books. Barnes and Noble has lots of free ones, and free Fridays. I have all the Yesterday’s Classics on mine. You are able to make folders/shelves to organize all the books by year, personal, for Mom, etc. We will probably be getting another Nook at some point just to put all my sons books on for the year.
We love our Nook 🙂 I did get the 3G version, but you don’t have too. My husband chose the Nook because it runs off an Android system and is open-source.
I have no experience yet with re-formatting pdf’s, so I can’t comment on that.
I have a Nook and I do like it, I find it easy to use. I do sometimes think I should’ve gotten a Kindle because I can’t find alot of free books for my Nook, I know they’re out there, I just can’t find them.
Yes, the Nook uses ePub. I am only beginning to skim the surface of finding free books for my Nook. But, most places I’ve looked have all different formats, including ePub.
Thank you very much for the feedback. I do appreciate it. We don’t have any stores nearer that two hours away that carry any of these, so I am looking at ordering sight unseen.
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