Help me choose a history PLEASE

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    Ds1 will be year 1.For kindergarten we did a program through the state because I was too overwhelmed with putting together my own curriculum.I am determined this year, but am stuck on what to do for history(and a couple others).I originally thought I wanted to do SCM Genesis-Deuteronomy and Ancient Egypt,but now am not sure.Also,my state lists american and state history and government as required subjects so I’m not sure whether to include those.Any advice??


    At that age, we really enjoyed the Beautiful Feet American History guide for primary grades and their D’Aulaire books especially.  A More Perfect Union is a great book for covering government too.  For state history, you could use a Discover America for your state (example is S is for Sunshine for Florida).

    Money was tight so I bought their guide and then pieced together my own books, trying to find used.  You can check ebay, homeschoolclassifieds, amazon, betterworldbooks, etc.  You could use what your library has, though the above mentioned books were worth buying.  If you do not want to do their guide and all their books, you could add in some American history around holidays, in addition to your ancients curriculum.


    It sounds like Ohio where I am. We are required to include American and state history and government each year. I asked them about that, and they said it doesn’t have to be a big deal every time. I mean in Ohio public school, you have Ohio history in 4th grade I think. But homeschoolers have that on the list every year. So we just make sure we talk about something related to it each year. I would not have a course every year. That would be absurd in my house. Same with American hist. and gov’t. Something about those subjects usually comes up naturally during our other studies and just life. I never add too much in beyond our planned history time period. But I do need to do what’s required.


    My ds will be starting Year 1 next year and our plan is to do the Gen-Deut and Ancient Egypt. From what I can see from the online sample of the guide there is time for us to spend a month doing North American history during Term Two. That is our plan. If your concern with Gen-Deut was fitting in your state’s requirements, it may work for you. Check the online sample and see what you think.

    Also, you may be able to use some of your literature to focus on American History. There are great picture/chapter books to enjoy.


    This is year 1.  All the things mentioned so far are good programs.  Line them up and ask God.  If He doesn’t lead you, then assume it doesn’t matter much and just choose one based on your personal preference, or budget, or whatever.  You are not going to ruin your child by picking the “wrong” history in year 1.


    Art, I am in Ohio!

    And after adding up the materials for the SCM program,it’s going to be $200-$300!I don’t know about that…

    I’m getting really aggravated.I am SO indecisive!I need to figure out something soon though.



    I’m in Ohio too.  For your child’s age I really wouldn’t do a full module (gasp!).  If you were working with several children including one older than 1st grade a full module makes sense.  Instead why don’t you pare down the module?  For example I wouldn’t do the Visits to… book, or buy Hungry Planet, Material World, or the scripture commentaries for Exodus and Numbers.  I would probably buy or get from a library these books over the year:

    • Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors (buy)
    • Pharoah’s Boat (buy or borrow)
    • Boy of the Pyramids (buy)
    • The True Story of Noah’s Ark (borrow)

    Then enjoy reading those slowly.

    Feel free to grab library books that relate but don’t feel pressure to read them.  Just let your son browse these. 

    When you finish your books be done with history for the year or choose another topic/time to explore. 

    I would do similarly for any history time if my oldest was 1st grade.  Choose a chapter book or two to read and explore slowly over the year.  Have a few picture books to enjoy.


    I totally agree with Tristan! I am omitting Visits to.., Hungry Planet and Material World. Our library has many of the suggested readings, and I am finding the others I would like second hand, via this forum! Our budget is $300 for everything for the year, so the library is a huge resource for us! Some of the books we’ll revisit in Year 7, so I can more easily justify that kind of purchase.



    Tristan has a great suggestion.

    Our first year, when DS2 was in K, I took suggestions from Module 5 (Early American/Modern World) and we got books from the library and got some biographies on audio.  It was a gentle but effective introduction to history.

    For geography, my son just liked to play the US Geography games on  In that year he memorized all his states and capitals.

    Don’t overdo it!  Grab what you can from the library or from book sales and just enjoy the stories!


    I fourth Tristan!  The only books I would buy for the year are Ancient Egypt and Boy of the Pyramids.  Take it easy this year with short readings of good books that allow for building those important narration skills.  🙂 


    i agree with Tristan but I also did The Story of the World by susan wise bauer together.  I like history though. I bought the cds so we could listen to them in the car, and when we were home we read the book.  they would get ahead of me and wanted to read it on their own. we read CM as a bible study more with each other. and the CM books as a read aloud, sometimes I read it to them in the car or at the beach.


    Ooo, chocodog, before we found CM, ages and ages ago when my oldest now 8th grader was in Kindergarten we did Story of the World: Ancient Times.  It was good!  We read a story and she narrated.  I wrote her words and she illustrated it.  Loved that year!  We were doing unit studies back then.



    Just another thumbs-up for SOTW on audio!!

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